1. What’s the single biggest mistake you see people make with their diet?

2. Should you do cardio during a recomposition phase?
From a health standpoint, frequent cardiovascular exercise is good to implement for everyone. It decreases body fat and helps strengthen your heart and lungs. Adjusting your diet to handle a higher energy expenditure and choosing a type of cardio that is suitable for your lifestyle and goals allows you to get the health benefits without having negative effects on your body composition.
3. You reached your goal by restricting calories, what do you do next?
Start to slowly increase food intake based on your goals and activity level. Choosing lean protein sources, consuming more whole foods, and cutting back on the sugar and fat intake will help you continue to lose weight while allowing you to eat more. This helps you feel full, have fewer cravings, and improve your metabolism so your body can efficiently convert food into energy.
4. How important is cardio to weight loss?
Being in a calorie deficit is the underlining factor in weight loss, cardio is only a tool to do such. You can either decrease your food intake so it is lower than your daily calorie expenditure OR increase your daily calorie expenditure so it's higher than your food intake. Both aid in weight loss, but cardio has added health benefits that diet alone won't produce. That said cardio is important to overall health and that equates to weight loss.
5. What does your workout split look like?
Right now I'm on a 5 - 6 day split working out 1-2 hours per session (see split below). High volume with a lot of super-sets and drop-sets. This style of training allows me to use heavy weights to increase strength and mass while incorporating enough volume with lighter weights to efficiently burn off body fat, improve athleticism and build a better mind-muscle connection. I also incorporate 20-30 min of core training and cardio 2 - 3 times per week for conditioning purposes to help aid in my actual workouts. My daily routines all laid out in fine detail can be viewed at www.nattynation.net.

Mon - Chest
Tues - Back
Wed - Shoulders
Thurs - Quads, hamstrings, calves
Fri - Bicep, tricep, forearms
Sat - Off
Sun - Weak points
6. What is your take on the importance of nutrition vs. supplements?
Nutrition is the foundation that will have the biggest impact on your health whereas supplements are building blocks to help fill voids where nutrition may lack. Often times people put more emphasis on finding a magic pill and ignore the basic fundamentals of nutrition. Supplements should never replace food but rather be implemented to help utilize and improve a well-rounded diet.
7. What are some tricks you have for muscle growth?
• Remain in a calorie surplus (6-12 months)
• Lift heavy with proper form and technique
• Eat more whole foods
• Drink more water
• Consume protein with each meal
• Supplement with creatine monohydrate
• Consume carbs pre and post-workout
• Train with intensity and purpose
• Build a better mind-muscle connection
8. What are some good foods to eat before and after a workout?
Slow digesting complex carbs (pre):
• Oatmeal
• Brown Rice
• Sweet potatoes
• Peanut butter
• Whole grain bread
Fast digesting simple carbs + protein (post):
• Protein shake
• Bananas
• Raisins
• Pineapple
• Fruit juice
• Rice cakes with honey
9. Is there anyone in the fitness industry that you really look up to?
There isn't any specific person I look up to but rather the idea of challenging the stigma that says you can't achieve anything beyond average without the use of drugs. Over the past 20 years as a drug-free athlete, I've been sponsored by the world's largest supplement companies, published in hundreds of magazines, and traveled the world to spread my love for health and fitness helping thousands of people reach their goals. My motivation is going against all odds and showcasing the possibility of the impossible while helping others do the same.
10. In your opinion, should females train differently than males?
I think any individual should train with an equal amount of intensity, purpose, and determination regardless of gender. How you perform exercises, reps, sets, form, techniques, tempos, rest periods, etc doesn't change from male to female. Personal goals and physical limitations due to gender or injury determine what one can and can't do.
Need help reaching your fitness goals? Become a member of the Natty Nation and train with Brock for only $8 a month! Enroll at www.nattynation.net.